Bertindak Selaku Kuasa Hukum Pimpinan KPK Melawan Dewan Pengawas KPK
Advokat Muh. Indra Kusumayudha, S.H., M.H., CLA bertindak selaku Kuasa Hukum Pimpinan KPK bersama dengan tim hukum lainnya, yang mana bapak Nurul Ghu…
H.I.P Lawyers is one of Indonesia's leading boutique law firms, providing the highest quality legal services since 2018. Our success is a product of our expertise, our integrity, and the trust we have built with our partners and clients. From our base in Jakarta and our close links with international players, we offer local expertise with a global reach
Litigation & Non Litigation, Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR), Arbitration, Competition law/antitrust law, Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations (Kepaiitan/PKPU), Fraud & Corruption
Corporate and Commercial Transactions, Corporate structuring and restructuring, business license, investment, corporate finance, acquisitions, contract, legal risk management, good corporate governance
Getting a legal explanation towards the company’s documents (contract, business license, trademark etc.), Checking legalization towards the legal entity/business entity, Checking towards the compliance of the legal entity/business entity, Providing a legal opinion as the result.
Providing government relation function to assist in reporting process and ensure licensing and approval process are being followed up accordingly to regulators (BI/OJK/BEI etc.)
HIP Lawyers was founded in 2018 with the intention of synthesizing international standard legal services and local expertise. We have the depth and breadth of Indonesian legal experience and knowledge to understand each client’s problem and formulate appropriate solutions.
Advokat Muh. Indra Kusumayudha, S.H., M.H., CLA bertindak selaku Kuasa Hukum Pimpinan KPK bersama dengan tim hukum lainnya, yang mana bapak Nurul Ghu…
Advokat pada kantor hukum H.I.P Lawyers & Partnership, yakni Muh. Indra Kusumayudha, S.H., M.H., CLA dan Doly Pratama Siregar, S.H menjadi penase…
Advokat Muh. Indra Kusumayudha, S.H., M.H., bertindak selaku Penasehat Hukum yang ditunjuk oleh Wakil Ketua DPRD Tulungagung, Bapak Adib Makarim dala…
Kendari, 17 September 2022 Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (Kemenkop UKM) menggelar workshop Peningkatan UMKM Naik Kelas Melalui Pengua…
HIP LAWYERS dalam hal ini diwakili oleh M. Indra Kusumayudha SH., CLA menjadi Penasehat Hukum Partai Pelita dalam proses persidangan dugaan Pelanggar…
Sukoharjo, 11 Agustus 2022. HIP LAWYERS yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh M. Indra Kusumayudha SH., CLA selaku Managing Director diberikan kesempatan …
Jakarta Office: 18 Office Park, Lt. 10 Unit A Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 18, Kebagusan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta. 12520 --- Sidoarjo Office: Ruko Citra Cemerlang Residence Blok A No.6A & 6B, Kel Ngampelsari Kec Candi Kab Sidoarjo.